ASE610 Features

S-Band 10dBm Power

1450nm-1530nm Wavelength Range

Excellent Stability (0.008dBm over 8 hours)

Standard SMF-28 Output Fiber

Thorlabs is enhancing test and measurement capabilities within the S-Band with this short wavelength ASE610 Light Source. Utilizing all silica, Erbium-doped fiber, the light source achieves >-20dB gain from 1485 to 1510nm.

The ASE610 is ideal for component testing, optical power meter calibration labs and non-linear optical effect characterization. Its exepectional stable output power and gain will simply many test routines.

The ASE610 S-Band Light Source provides performance previously unavailable in the S-Band. The ASE610 offers stable, broadband light between 1450 and 1530nm. This all Silica, Er-based, single-mode light source meets the testing needs for both telecom and datacom applications. The ASE610 is in an easy-to-operate unit, well suited for either the benchtop or an equipment rack.