Two Basic Systems to Choose From

Fast In-Line PMD/PDL Analysis System for Fibers: PMD5000FIN

High Dynamic Range PMD/PDL Analysis System for Narrow Bandwidth Components: PMD5000HDR

Features of the Modular PMD/PDL Analysis System PMD5000

Measurements Based on Jones-Matrix Eigenanalysis (JME)

2 Polarimeter Versions: Rotating Waveplate or Fiber Based

Bandwidth from 1520 to 1630nm (others on request)

Modular and Flexible

Excellent Accuracy

Supports External Laser Sources*

Applications for the PMD5000

PMD Measurements According ITU-T G.650

Reference Method in the Range 1520 - 1630nm

Wavelength Dependent PDL, SOP, DOP Analysis

PMD/PDL Analysis of Narrow Bandwidth Components

Installed Fiber JME Analysis

Field Applications


The PMD5000 is a modular system for Jones Matrix Eigenanalysis based PMD/PDL measurements built onto the TXP platform. It is a powerful and flexible solution for all kinds of PMD/PDL related measurement tasks in laboratories as well as field applications including the analysis of installed fibers.

Modular Design

Depending on the application the PMD5000 Systemcomprises different modules that can be used independently as well. The PMD5000 integrates a powerful tunable laser source but supports external sources as well*.

Analysis of Narrow Bandwidth Components

The software package version 2 for the Thorlabs PMD/PDL Analysis System PMD5000 series enhances its application especially for the analysis of narrow bandwidth components. The PMD5000 system, which is based on Jones Matrix Eigenanalysis, now allows the analyzing parameters to be changed after the device under test (DUT) has been measured. A single data set of the DUT can be analyzed for different wavelength ranges or at different zoom levels. This makes repetitive measurements with optimized parameters obsolete and contributes to speed and flexibility of the analysis. For more information please see the "User Interface" tab.

Besides the optional fast tunable laser source, ECL5000D, the PMD5000 consists of the Deterministic Polarization Controller, DPC5500, and a polarimeter module - either the fast in-line polarimeter IPM5300 or the High Dynamic Range Terminating Polarimeter, PAX5720IR3 - plus a specific software package providing powerful PMD/PDL analysis routines. A test version of this is integrated into the TXP application software which can be found at the TXP Software tab on the TXP platform page. Please see the Components tab for the modules of the 4 standard PMD5000 Systems.