This compact and portable laser profiler system is ready to use out of the box and complete with a plug and play USB CCD camera, stackable ND filters and software. The camera features a high speed programmable electronic shutter and adjustable gain for a wide range of input levels. The ND filters can be used individually or they can be stacked for a variety of input powers. The stackable ND filters are set at a small wedge angle in the housing to minimize interference. The easy to use software features extensive trigger capabilities, unlimited logging, user defined region of interest, pass-fail testing and more. The software is compatible with Windows® XP and Vista.

Spectral Range190-1300nm*
Max Beam Size6.3mm x 4.7mm
Number of Effective Pixels640 x 480
Minimum System Dynamic Range64dB
Linearity with Power±1%
Accuracy of Beam Width±2%
Frame Rate30 fps at full resolution
Saturation Intensity1.3 m with 1W/cm2
Minimum Measurable Signal0.5n with 1W/cm2
CW Damage Threshold50 with 1W/cm2 with all filters installed
Pulsed Damage Threshold0.1J/1W/cm2 with all filters installed for <100nm pulse width
Trigger1) BNC connector accepts positive or negative trigger. Will integrate single pulses from laser sources with repetition rate of up to 1KHz
2) BNC connector can provide trigger out to synchronize laser.
Stackable ND FiltersND1: Red housing - 10% transmission**
ND2: Black housing - 1% transmission**
ND3: Green housing - 0.1% transmission**