Thorlabs offers 14 piece kits (LSB08 Series) of Ø1" mounted achromatic doublets as well as large, 50 piece kits (ESK50 Series) of achromatic doublets with a range of diameters. Our LSB08 kit houses 14 achromatic doublets in a metal box that has room for up to a total of 35 doublets. The ESK50 series features an expandable storage case that makes it convenient to accommodate a growing collection of optics. The stackable steel cabinet that houses the unmounted achromatic doublets can be combined with other cabinets in our selection of storage cabinets. Alternatively, the storage cabinets can be integrated into our 19" Rack System.

The most typical application of achromatic doublet lenses is to reduce the chromatic aberration that is symptomatic of spherical lenses as well as to reduce other aberrations such as coma. Other applications of achromatic doublets include the diffraction limited focusing of laser beams and the focusing or imaging of white light within the design wavelength range.

These achromatic doublets are also available individually by visiting our Achromatic Doublet Navigation.