Small size: 3mm x 3mm x 3mm

BK7 Glass designed for 1525-1610nm wavelength range

High Extinction ratio: TP/TS >1000:1

Thorlabs Polarizing Beamsplitter Cubes are a compact solution for telecom applications requiring small sized polarizing beam splitters. Polarizing beamsplitter cubes separate the two orthogonal polarization components into two perpendicular beams. Our polarizing beamsplitter cube is based on BK7 glass and is designed to operate in the wavelength range of 1525-1610nm with an extinction ratio greater than 1000:1 between the two separated polarization components.

In addition Thorlabs also offers Non Polarizing Beamsplitters, Prisms and a complete line of Polarization Optics including waveplates, polarizers and more. For mounting of our beamsplitter cubes please see our Kinematic Platform mounts as well as Cage Platform Mounts. For more information regarding mounting options please see our accessories tab.

For special Telecommunications polarizers as small as 1mm please contact our Technical Support team.