
Thorlabs' piezoelectric actuators are multilayer devices used for nano- and micro-positioning. As the voltage applied to the actuator goes from 0 to the maximum drive voltage, the piezo will expand longitudinally. The AE series of open-loop piezoelectric actuators offers maximum displacements from 4.6 µm to 17.4 µm. Piezoelectric devices, such as these actuators, exhibit hysteresis, thus the displacement of the actuator is not solely based on voltage applied. Due to this, Thorlabs also offers the PZS001, which is the AE0505D16F piezoelectric actuator with an attached strain gauge. As the actuator extends, the resistance of the strain gauge is affected. This allows for a closed-loop system to be implemented when proper drive electronics are chosen. For more information on strain gauges, please see our StrainGauge Tutorial.

Many strain gauges, including Thorlabs', require an amplifier to increase their weak signal. The AMP001 is a compact printed circuit board specifically designed to amplify the output of a full bridge strain gauge.

The recommended method for attaching a mechanical load to a piezo-electric actuator is to use a room temperature epoxy, such as the 
F120 epoxy sold by Thorlabs. It is important that the mechanical load be centered on the piezoelectric actuator's end face to avoid applying a torque. If the actuator is incorporated into a design that calls for a preload, it is recommended that the preload does not exceed 50% of the specified clamping force. Note that the low voltage actuator (AE050D18F) has a reduced maximum preload equal to 22.5 lb (100 N).

The red lead on the piezoelectric actuator must be connected to the high side of the voltage source used to drive the actuator. Do not reverse bias the piezoelectric actuator since this will destroy the device. Piezoelectric actuators should not be used in liquid, in the presence of combustible gasses or liquids, or cleaned with organic solvents.