Design Features

The AMG-GR series of gear-driven motorized gimbals provide economical, high-accuracy elevation-over-azimuth positioning. These gimbals are built using the primary positioning elements of the robust and economical AGR-series rotary stage. The AMG-GR is available in a variety of standard travel ranges. Due to the flexibility of the design, customized travels are easily accommodated. A variety of accuracy grades, motor types, and cell designs make this the ideal stage series for applications ranging from sensor calibration to laser beam steering.

Cell Design Versatility

The AMG-GR comes standard with circular cells ranging from 100 mm to 300 mm diameter. Cell mounting options include a centered (balanced) cell or a front-surface reflection option where the front of the optic is located on the axes of rotation. Special configurations are available to accommodate non-circular optics, cameras, sensors, and round optics larger than 300 mm in diameter. Due to a modular-design approach, each gimbal mirror cell can be easily modified or replaced with different shaped cells to accommodate sensors or other asymmetrically-shaped payloads.

Flexible Options

The AMG-GR can be outfitted with brushless servo or stepper motors. A full range of matching drives and controls are available for a complete single-source solution.

For applications that require high-accuracy and repeatability, a direct-encoder mounted to the cell and yoke is available. Vacuum-compatible versions are also available.